Your excellent question allows many good suggestions to be provided and hopefully someone will listen and understand.
In reply to your above question:
1] Many users do not know how to use a search engine.
2] Many also don't know how to phrase what they wish to search on the Internet.
3] Most not all don't want and don't know how to read, copy/paste to their PCs and ten rephrase.
4] Far too many are simply too lazy to do their own search.
5] Too many want others to their work, so we are now to become parents to other peoples children.
6] Most are spoiled and believe they deserve it all and are very demanding %26amp; rude in their posted questions.
7] Most answerers die for the +2 points thus answer these questions which should NOT be answered by the users and keep spoinling these people.
8] Too many don't even know how to correctly write English.
9] Too many others have never read the Community Guidelines or Terms or service thus ask silly and repetitive questions, some answerers just love to show off their knowledge and answer whatever to these specific questions.
10] Many askers have a compulsive need to ask what ever questions like the examples you have addressed.
I could go on forever, if you agree with me please join the club and don't answer these lazy questions by spoiled %26amp; rude people. Please don't answer them, they will get tired of asking stupid questions and having others do their work if no answers are received.
Don't answer question that have 0 answers, if more don't happen to answer you will be given the lowest possible rating to your answer no matter how good it is. This because they got only one answer and have to take on someone.
So please don't wonder any more these are the cruel facts, reason why I am not answering questions that could be searched in the Internet, 0 answer questions, or silly questions.
Sorry the truth hurts but it is still the truth. Thank you for your comment and voting. Regards.
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Why do people ask questions that they can easily look up themselves?okay questions like that should require a more reliable source, but the majority of questions some of us do know the answer but we want a different perspective or something that is thinking outside the box, a new pattern of thinking.
This site gives us live interaction instead of the concrete answer.Why do people ask questions that they can easily look up themselves?
because they re retarted
Perhaps they don't have time to do the surfing. Or they just need someone to put a finger on that particular website .
For socializing,the points, and other perspectives.Dezie the correct spelling is retarded-lol.
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