Friday, January 27, 2012

Where or what is Xanadu, VA?

I work at a postal facility where we process pieces of mail that for whatever reason cannot be read by the scanning machines.

I occasionally see pieces of mail addressed to "Xanadu, VA" with the mysterious zip code "00325."

I cannot find this city on any map. The zip code also does not make sense: Virginia zip codes are in the 220-- through 245-- range. Nor is it a military zip code (090-- through 098--, and 962-- through 966--). In fact, 003-- falls under "Not used."

Anyone know where or what this place is? My best guess is that it's a default value that some company's database automatically enters if you leave the city/state/zip line blank.Where or what is Xanadu, VA?
From what I could find, there is a place called Xanadu and it appears to be close to Charlottesville. It must be a small community or village type place because it is not on any maps - my thought is community. There are weather reports for this place but no exact location can be found anywhere.

An intensive search for 00325 showed a big zero!

Sorry I couldn't be of any help.


  1. Xanadu, VA is the pretend town the USPS uses when Traina new carriers

  2. Awesome I was curious myself as I also work in a sorting facility. I assumed it was fake because of the name and the fact that it’s what our maintenance uses as test mail for our flat sorter machine. Maybe the person who designated that was a Rush fan ? Lol

  3. Awesome I was curious myself as I also work in a sorting facility. I assumed it was fake because of the name and the fact that it’s what our maintenance uses as test mail for our flat sorter machine. Maybe the person who designated that was a Rush fan ? Lol
